Monday, May 25, 2009

Carpal-Tunnel Surgery

May 21, 2009

Mar has been having trouble. Well for quite a while her first two fingers on her right hand have been going numb. We were sure that was carpal-tunnel Syndrome. It progressively got worse until about 2 months ago it suddenly got a lot worse. She lost strength in the hand and had trouble doing simple things like picking up a pin or a piece of paper. It was time to see the doctor.

The doctor was duly concerned. He said go see a specialist. The specialist was duly concerned. He said go get some tests. The doctor who gave her the tests said that of the 16,000 of these test he had given, hers was in the top 12 for being bad - not top 12% - the top 12. So he sent her and the results back to the Specialist who said we will operate. So today he did.

Lest this sounds a little grave, let me say the surgery went off swimmingly. Breanne and I dropper her off at the surgery center and two hours later went and picked her up (we were there for about 1/2 hour during the pick up time). They put her under - she asked if she could watch and they said no - they did the surgery in about 20 minutes - and she came out. The surgery was no problem.

And there seemed to be no pain on this first day, except . . .

Consider doing something one way for over 50 years and then having someone tell you that you can not do it that way anymore. Something like - eating - or buttoning - or pulling up pants. Mar is right-handed and now, for a while at least, her right hand is immobilized, cast, splinted and generally wrapped up. Maybe there was no pain - but it was a big pain.

Mar is doing well. We are glad it is done. Hopefully it will help the numbness and the weakness. That will be something we have to wait and see about.

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