Sunday, August 10, 2008

Movie Critics

In our current stage of 'empty nesting' we have had the opportunity to go see more movies in the theater- both good and bad. Due to this new found interest in movies our children have been suggesting/forcing us to watch some that they mark as 'priceless' and 'must- sees.'

So far we have watched the Prestige (which Larry only found one thing wrong with) and What About Bob? (A funny movie with no real film expertise).

If anyone has any other ‘must see’ films let us know, so that we can broaden our wide repertoire.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Alice Joy

We got to spend the last couple of days with our granddaughter Alice, while her and her mom visted from Denver. Alice is one and half and is a ball of joy. She babbles and dances and can outrun us all. It was such a pleasure to have her at our home for a couple of days.


We have recently been introduced to the card game "Golf." This game is said to take no strategy or wit beyond counting to 10, however we have morphed it into a game of trickery and skill. We play this game after every meal, while we sit and talk, and during all our free time. Mar has an excellent skill at swamping Larry and graciously accepting his praise. We have introduced this game to our nephew (who is living with us) and some of our children. After many games and bantering fun we have decided that… a golf war may soon arise!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The beginning...

YAY!! The Colorado Stones Parents have FINALLY been persuaded to start a blog to post their latest news, travel adventures and funny stories. But mainly to spy on their family and friends...

So sit back and enjoy, Life Travels with the Parental Units!