Thursday, August 27, 2009

Reading List

August 26, 2009

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

Yes, I know I am not a trend setter. This book was a best seller a long time ago. I saw the movie and wasn’t that impressed, not enough to read the book back then. Then I saw Angels and Demons and decided to read that, and then I decided to read this.

It was okay. I think Angels and Demons was better.

This book did cause a lot of flurry in the world because people took it as the “gospel truth”. I read it just for entertainment, and liked it okay, at least enough to be anxious enough to finish it. I would give it a 3.5 on the 5 point scale.

No it is not on the 501 list.

1 comment:

B and B said...

Obviously Angels and Demons didnt make that good of an impression since you said the name wrong twice...