Monday, August 3, 2009

Reading List

July 25, 2009

The Golum by Isaac Bashevis Singer

This is an intriguing little tale about a Jewish myth, a golum, who is a creation of clay that can be brought to life to aid the Jewish people in times of trouble. A good rabbi is allowed to create a golum to aid a charitable Jewish banker who is falsely accused of a crime, and if he is convicted then the Jewish people as a whole will face sever persecution. Even though it sounds like a story of intolerance, it is really a story of finding out who one is through love.

It is a children’s story – my translation was a mere 80 pages. It is on the list of 501 books. If not, I never would have had the pleasure of reading it.

1 comment:

B and B said...

How is this about love? Where were the Golem's during the war?