Monday, February 21, 2011

Travels with Lar

January 30 – February 5
Kansas City, Missouri

This was a work trip – the fourth in a row. I was teaching at a site I have taught in many times before – Honeywell FM&T in South Kansas City. It was destined to be an uneventful week. It was a class I have taught many times before to people I have taught many times before. I was looking at no stress.
No stress was not to be.

Tuesday afternoon it started to snow. By the time it was over it would be known as the killer blizzard of 2011. On the way home from the plant on Tuesday night I got stuck, in the middle of the road. There was just too much snow. I finally got to the motel and hunckered down. I got to huncker longer than I expected because Wednesday morning, Honeywell closed the plant until noon. So we started the class at noon – and by that time the sun was out and it was beautiful day – but the wind was blowing at 35 MPH and the temperature never got above 5.

So the class became somewhat more of an adventure, but by Saturday morning, all was well and I few back home. Just another week on the road.

I think I'll stay home for a while.

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