Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Service - Church Farm

July 18, 2009

Mar and I did service today. We went and worked at our church farm. So here is the story of this service.

They want us to be there at 6:00 AM, because they want us to be done by 10:00, otherwise it just gets too hot. Now the church farm that we went to is north of Greeley – so it was an hour drive – figure it out – that means we leave at 5:00 – which means we got up at – yowzer – 4:30 – that is O-Dark-Thirty in case you have never been up at that time.

We went to the church and picked up two other service minded brothers – and 3 of their young boys – and we drove to the Eaton Farm. I had never been to the Eaton Farm before – but thanks to modern technology – Google Earth – and some fair instructions, we drove right there.

Now the task at hand was weeding the crop of pinto beans. You go out in the field and you choose a row and walk along that row and when you see a weed, you reach down and pull it out. Some come out easy, some come out hard and some just fight back. Sometimes you can walk a long way without seeing a weed. Sometimes, you spend a long time in a very short distance. You would think it wouldn’t be that hard – but it is bending and standing and bending and standing. And at the Eaton Farm, your row – you only have to do one row – but your row is ½ mile long. That is a lot of bending and standing – and by 10:00 it starts to get hot.
We came home tired. But we also came home happy and satisfied that we had done our share. In the 19 years we have been in Longmont, I have gone to weed beans every year but one – and that year I was a leader at scout camp. That makes me feel good about myself.

1 comment:

B and B said...

Yay for church farms- you left out the best part- watermelon!