Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fourth of July - including the Third

So - after reading the previous blog - about getting home at 2:30 in the morning - I got up at 6:00 - drove to Boulder and picked up Brea and Ben and then drove down to Erica's for their ward's pancake breakfast. Now it wasn't the pancake breakfast that called our name. They all had the first annual 5K run. A free 5K run. Who could pass that up. I did it in 28:20. Ben beat me this time. It was a killer course. Erica and Rich live in a neighborhood of hills. It was the hills that killed me, not the no sleep.

On the real 4th of July, our ward had it's pancake breakfast - along with another wand. We held it at the church's Lyons park with the pavilion. It was very nice. There were a lot of people. My mom enjoyed it. I played a little horseshoes.

Then I went and helped a new family unload their moving truck in Niwot.

In the evening we went to the fireworks show in Longmont. The past couple of years they have been a little bit disappointing. Not this year. They were grand. I liked them. Mar liked them. My mom thought they were grand. (You know, if Mom hadn't of been here, Mar and I probably would have just stayed home.)

1 comment:

B and B said...

STAYED HOME? You old Grump!