Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reading List

20000 Leagues Under the Sea
 Jules Verne

January 20, 2012

This is a book from the 501 Must Read list. It is a classic. It is the story of three men who are on an expedition to catch a sea monster, but to their dismay they find that it is not a sea monster at all, but a submarine. They end up as guests/prisoners on the submarine "the Nautilus" with the enigmatic Captain Nemo. There are adventures and in the end . . .
Commentary? Well, it would be hard to recommend this to a modern "young" reader. They are used to having things move much faster. Much of the book is descriptions of the flora and fauna they see in their voyage. It is only occasionally interspersed with real action. Also, in the day that it was written, the possibility of what Jules Verne was writing about was new and even unbelievable. Now, it is commonplace and even old stuff. And some of the "scientific" knowledge he proposes are totally wrong.

Still, for an old codger like me, it was an enjoyable read. I can put myself in the mindset of Jules Verne's audience, so I can see how this would be a great adventure for them. I did realize on this reading (I had read it once before) that 20,000 leagues is not how deep they went – it is how far they went.

And for those who have seen the movie. Somewhat the same – but not. Jules Verne's book doesn't have one female in it. Now that just wouldn't work for Hollywood. And in the movie they only fight one giant squid – in the book it is a whole flock – or gaggle – or heard – what do you call a big group of giant squids.

Recommendations – you can read it if you want – but read it as a 12 year old at the turn of the century – that is turning into the 1900s.

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