Sunday, October 18, 2009

Scripture Study - Rejoice Evermore

October 18, 2009

A message from President Jensen of our Stake Presidency

How to "Rejoice Evermore" with references to 2 Nephi Chapter 4

We all have our real down times - I mean real down times. So how do we get back "up"? How do we get going again? How do we rejoice when things seem to be going towards despair.

Nephi - well he did have it bad. His father just died. His brothers hated him - and were plotting to kill him. Yea, things were not looking up. So he took a simple six step method to get up and get going.

1. Recognize the problem - this generally happens when you are wallowing in the problem:
vs. 17-19
2. Remember - you have been blessed int he past
vs. 19-25
3. Why - if "1" is true and "2" is true - ask why
vs. 26-27
4. Snap out of it - take charge
vs. 28-30
5. Pray about it - unceasingly
vs. 31-33
6. Commit to do it - I will . . .
vs. 34

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