Thursday, April 30, 2009

Travels - Mar in Maui

Friday - April 23, 2009

Mar and Brenda's plane landed in Salt Lake City at 7:00 AM - that is 44 minutes early.

Lar had flown to Salt Lake on Thursday so he could meet them. He got a car and drove to Melanie and Grandma's in Ogden, helped then with yard work, then went to dinner with them and Emy and Rick. Then he spent the night at Melanie's. His task was to meet their plane and drive them to Logan and then drive mar home. Oh, thank heavens he told Mar that plan. With them arriving 44 minutes early, he would have missed them, they would have just picked up the car and left - stranding him at the Salt Lake City airport.

But it all worked out well. Neither Mar nor Brenda had slept well - or much - on the plane. Still they talked nonstop all the way to Logan. There we stopped and had all their pictures downloaded to CDs so they could each have copies of all of them.

Mar's exciting adventure cam to a close as we said farewell to Logan and drove back to home. Well, I drove back to home. Mar finally caught up on a lot of sleep that she missed last night - and the rest of the week. This was an experience she will remember for a long time to come.

And I grin just thinking about how happy she and Brenda were - are.

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