Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Day of Service - Unlooked For

November 13, 2008

Margaret woke and went to exercise as was her plan. She even did a little bit extra. Then she went home to do the rest of her plan - which was to have an unplanned day to relax and study. That didn't last long.

Her friend Becky called. Their Middle School had a field trip to see the Denver Symphony - 5 bus loads of kids - and some of the chaperons had fallen through. Could Margaret come and help. Why yes she could. So she got to go with 250 kids to a symphony - prepared just for this age - and then out to lunch at a mall food court (oh, yummy). She got home at about 3:00.

Now she could salvage what was left of her relaxing and studying. Then Sean called. He was going to work and his car had broke down. Could Mar help? Why yes she could. So she jumped in the car and went to Denver to rescue Sean. There are more details to the rescue, but suffice it to say, she again saved the day.

Well today she saved the day twice.