Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reading List

Jesus the Christ
By James E. Talmage
April 11, 2012

I have started this book many times – meaning at least five times. I generally don't get all the way through, but this time I did. It is one of the Churches premier books on the life of Christ. It is not particularly easy reading. James E. Talmage was indeed a scholar and was able to include so many facets into the writing about the role and life of Christ. This is not just a book that I enjoyed reading, but it is a book that improved my knowledge and understanding about what Christ did for me and how much it cost him – which translates into how much he loves me.
I expect that if you read this with the scriptures by your side, it would be invaluable to really see how things are happening in the life of Christ, but also why – and what some of the more difficult passages mean. However, I also expect if you did that, it could be a life long journey - and maybe worth it. No, I did not look up all of the references, but I did read all of the notes at the end of the chapters.
Do I recommend it? Yes. Do it a little bit at a time because it encompasses a lot.

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