Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lar in Warren

October 25-31

Don't get too excited - it is just a business trip. And we are getting to that marvelous time of year when it is practically dark when you go to work and practically dark when you get home. Besides, it was in Warren, NJ. Not a lot to do there. But if it had been summertime, I might have - might have I say - ventured into "The City". Warren is only 25 miles west of Newark, NJ and only about 35 miles from New York.

This was the first time I had ever been to the Warren office. It was nice. I taught two classes - one a standard delivery and one a very custom delivery. The standard class went very well. The custom class - well it was a lot to do in the two days I had to do it in.

I have decided that I don't like driving there very much. Those people are crazy. And like the rest of the Northeast, the roads don't lend themselves to figuring out where you really are or which direction you are going. But it was fall in the Northeast, and even though it is late fall, it was beautiful in a "closing-down-the-autumn" sort of way.

On Friday night I drove back to Newark and stayed at a hotel at the airport for an early Saturday morning getaway.

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