Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Keeping Fit

December 9, 2008

Mar went to the rec center to exercise in the water aerobics class today. We are proud of her for that. With that and Curves, she has been exerciseing 5 - 6 times a week for about 6 months - and she did Curves for 4 months before that.

I have decided that I will go with her when I can, once a week, and use the track at the rec center for training when it is too cold to work outside. Today I went:

6.2 miles - 10 K - 74 laps on their indoor track.
54 min. 37 sec. - 8.8 minutes per mile.
Age - 56 and 364 days.

Not bad for two old people.


The Mighty Yam said...

Good job, Dad!

B and B said...

74 laps? Goodness didnt you get dizzy?...or bored?