Tuesday, September 11, 2012

United Kingdom - Sunday - Day Seven

Warwick Castle

When people think of a castle in England, they imagine Warwick.

The BBC use Warwick Castle as the basis for its series called Merlin.

Warwick is considered Britain's finest medieval castle - dating back to the 1300's..  It is situated on a beautiful, picturesque location on the banks of the River Avon (yes the same one that is associated with Shakespeare).  It has spectacular siege machines, dungeons and costumed actors.  The castle was sold to the Tussauds Group (who run waxed museums throughout Europe) so there are waxed figures of historical people.  It is a favorite destination for families because there are jousting knights, firing of the siege machines (we missed that), medieval events, dragons (we missed those also), and falconry (which we did see - it was beautiful and fascinating).  There are great ramparts and gardens.  On the tour of the inside, there are collections of armour and swords and cannons.  And the rooms are furnished as they might have been when kings and queens visited the castle.

A profile taken from the hill that was the site of to ancient fortress.

One of the armor displays - this was Oliver Cromwell's display - which is ironic because Cromwell had many of the castles torn down after the Revolution because they were a sign of the nobility.

The bell tower of the castle.

The falconer with a bald eagle.

The battlements.

When we were there, the Queen came just to see us.  She deigned to have her picture taken with Margaret.

1 comment:

Stones said...

That castle is so cool! But the bald eagle is in close second!!! And Margaret looks so good! More pictures with the two of you! I demand it! Hope you are continuing to have fun!!