Monday, August 29, 2011

Flowers for Aaron.

The long story.

Brother Altman was doing some work at the church today.  When he left he saw a car with two people in it parked next to his car.  He asked them if he could help.  They asked if he knew where Aaron was buried.  They had driven up from Denver - for City Bark where Aaron used to work - with some flowers to remember him.  Brother Altman called Mar and found out that Aaron really doesn't have that place yet.  So they gave the flowers to Brother Altman and he delivered them to Mar.  He mentioned that they were very touched and obviously still sad at Aaron's passing.

This has touched a sadness spot for us.  But at the same time, it is nice to know that Aaron's influence was remembered as good for these people.  We did not get their names, but we appreciate so much the kindness they have shown - and the love they have shown for our son.

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