Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reading List

June 20, 2010

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

This is a suggestion from Mar's book club. She warned me, yes she did. She said if I started it, I would have to read it fast. She was right. It is captivating. It explores motivation and consequences, plus a lot about morality in a futuristic world. Still it can be applied to our own in many ways. I think that the reason it works so well is because it is written in a first person voice. You have to figure out if what you are being told is really the way things are – or not. I would bet that early on, most readers get an insight about Petta, the boy involved in the hunger games, that Catness, the girl and main character never really does figure out – well maybe right at the end.

Well, read it if you want to figure out that riddle. Yes, I would recommend it. But beware, you will have to keep reading. It doesn't drag. (I had the luck of reading it on Father's Day, when people would let me do what I wanted.)

1 comment:

B and B said...

Now you have to read Catching Fire... so good!