The last day of the trip, they drove to the far east end of the island - to Hana. This drive is through the truly tropical area of the island. It is along switchback roads high up on the cliffs overlooking the ocean.
There were waterfalls. At first they were just lovely and inspiring - tropical paradise type of waterfalls. Then it started to rain - you know, a real tropical rainstorm. The waterfalls got more waterfallyy. They started carrying more "soil" with them so they changed colors. They started to "stain" the ocean as they ran in. Then they started to waterfall across the road. It was a little bit scary once or twice on that curvy road to Hana.
They saw some little villages. The square ponds are taro fields. The roots are used to make poi and other starchy things. What ever they use taro in, turns a little bit purple.
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