We spent the morning today in an - unusual way - we picked up Brea and Ben and then met Erica, Rich and Alice - and Mat, Andi, Andrew and Mylie for a little run in the park. Actually it was a 5 K at the Anschutz Medical Center to benefet lung cancer research. We all got to run - except for Rich and Alice cause she just didn't want to sit in her stroller that long and - well 5 K is a little much for a 2 year old. I think we are all heroes.
Ben and Erica and I were there to really see how fast we could do it. It was a good course for that - no hills - and a cool morning (almost cold).
Mat ran with Andrew. They beat their last years time by more than 8 minutes - and Mat get hero status because it is hard to "gear down".
Breanne ran with Mylie. Mylie is a true challenge. She sprints then walks then sprints then walks then sprints then walk. It almost killed Breanne until the walks started getting longer. Of course by then Mylie was done with it all so Brea carried her on her shoulders for a while. Yep, that is true hero status.
Mar and Andi walked. So how is that hero? Mar has never done something like this. She did it and did it well, and kept up with Andi. Andi is really in shape. So why did she walk? Well she is 9 months pregnant - literally. I guess we can say Wyatt is a hero too because he did his firs 5 K when he was minus 1 week old.
My time was 25:53 - 8.35 min/mile - a new low for me.
Good job Dad. I didn't know Brea carried Mylie on her shoulders.
And Dad got the #1 old man time- YAHOOOO!!
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