Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Idaho Road Trip - 10/16-10/19/2008

We had a lot of concern for our daughter, Brea, and her wonderful husband, Ben. Brea has had a little bit of "bad health", so we went out to see if we could help. She is pretty weak and really can't be left alone, so our presence there allowed Ben some "time off" for him to do real school work. It was good for us to see how Brea was really doing and really helping her in this time of trial.

Additionally, we did a little bit of tour work while we were in Idaho.

We went up and toured around BYU Idaho.

We went up and visited the temple.

We were there during the potatoe harvest and went to see the fields.

And we went to "Big Juds" - a hamburger haven where you can get a real one pound after cooking, hamburger. We ordered one - and shared.


The Mighty Yam said...

Did you eat a yak burger?

Life Travels with the Parental Units said...

No - I did not eat a Yak Burger - but I wanted to - but the menu choice was made long before we got to eat - we were getting the big one.