Monday, October 6, 2008

The Date - Dinner and "Eagle Eye"

October 5, 2008

Yes it is true. The Ma and the Pa went on a date that didn't involve "going to Sams". We went to dinner at a little Chinese place and then went to a movie.

The movie was "Eagle Eye". At first I was just - "no way" - "this is just too much" - and that was just in the first 15 minutes. Then I stopped myself and said - "Just watch it and enjoy" - a willing suspension of disbelief. Hey, when you're not trying to believe it, it was a pretty good movie. A real guy movie with car chases and explosions and giant cranes and armored cars. And even Mar liked it. I must say, you never get bored. Storyline doesn't even make it to improbable - it is downright implausible - but it was a fun ride and ended better than it could have. Yep, we liked it.


The Mighty Yam said...

I wanna see this. I think the main actor who played Indiana's son, would be a good person to cast as Han and Leia's son in Star Wars episode 7 or 8. Lucas isn't making these movies you say? Not until he sees the scripts I'm writing...

Yammy Yamson Yammering Yammo

B and B said...

Yay parents, you are stretching your movie imagination...
I knew "What about Bob?" would help you out...