Monday, May 2, 2011

Movie Review

April 1, 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows – Part 1

Yes it is shameful that I waited this long to see this Harry Potter Movie – and then it was just bored chance that I watched it. I was flying to Malaysia and this was an option for a movie to watch.

All I can say is – if you haven't read the book, you will be lost. Visually it is pretty good. The plot is poorly developed. I have heard people call it a "camping movie". No, that is not so. But it doesn't tie things together well.

Yes I would recommend anyone to go see it, but if you haven't read it, see it on a DVD, with someone who has read it, and with your figure on the Pause button so you can say, "Where did that snake come from?", "What is that shining deer?", "Who is he killing in the tower?", "Why do these 17 year olds look so old?".

(And if you watch a movie on an airplane, turn on sub-titles so you can hear what is going on.)

I only give this a 2.5 and that is generous.

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