Sunday, September 5, 2010

Travels with Lar

August 2 – 6, 2010 – Kansas City
This was a business trip. I went to teach a class at a company where I had been before – in a room I had taught in before – to people, most of whom, I had taught before. The class went very well. It was a classified location, so I couldn't take in my own lap top or even my cell phone. During the day, I was isolated.

Kansas City in August is not a great place to be. It was hot. It was humid. It was really pretty boring. That just about describes it.

Coming home was an adventure. I went to the airport on Friday morning. I turned in my rental car and then found out that my flight was cancelled and I had to wait 6 hours for another flight. Imagine if you will, 6 hours in the Kansas City airport. Not the best day of my life - but not the worst.

1 comment:

erica said...

dad, I think I crave alone time - not lonely time, but alone time. an airport would be nice sometimes (although, 6 hours in Kansas City...)