Thursday, July 29, 2010

50 Things You May Not Know About Me.

(Inspired by Andrea)

  1. I got a C in public speaking in high school.
  2. I went to Camp Ben DeLatour as a Boy Scout – the same camp I took boys to as a scoutmaster.
  3. I was terrorized by bullies on bicycles going to summer school the year before I was in Kindergarten.
  4. My favorite movie is "Breaking Away".
  5. I was on a "College Bowl" team for a Colorado Teachers convention.
  6. In college, I worked in a lab cleaning Petri dishes and test tubes.
  7. My favorite "snitch" is Hostess crumb cake mini-donuts.
  8. The only girl I have ever kissed for real is the love of my life – my wife.
  9. I was only a Star Scout – but all three of my boys are Eagles.
  10. I have been in 40 of the 50 United States – but only one other country (Canada).
  11. I was asked to drop Spanish in college because I spoke it with a French accent.
  12. I try to always be CPR certified.
  13. My love language for other people seems to be service.
  14. I have low tolerance for extreme left wing or extreme right wing politics.
  15. In my teenage years, I almost won a Putt-Putt miniature golf tournament.
  16. I have been rock climbing and was saved in a fall by a belaying rope.
  17. I know how to run and old-fashioned arc-light movie projector.
  18. I have read the Holy Bible from front to back – once.
  19. I have had a hernia operation.
  20. I have been in the delivery room for all six of my children – but never watched "the birth" even once.
  21. I am only a fan of sports teams who are winning.
  22. Sushi – I have tried it and it is not my favorite.
  23. I got a home run in little league on a bunt and 3 errors.
  24. My dream car would be a Mustang.
  25. I lost my first wedding ring while swimming in a creek in Montana.
  26. I have had poison ivy so bad I had to miss school.
  27. I don't have a lot of self control where yummy food is concerned – but I keep trying.
  28. What makes me happiest is seeing my wife happy.
  29. As I have gotten older, I like winter less and less.
  30. I have always wanted to write something great, but I can never figure out what to write about.
  31. I never skipped class in high-school.
  32. My feet are not the same size.
  33. I had a benign tumor removed from my left cheek.
  34. The best calling I have ever had in church is working in the nursery.
  35. My biggest why question is, "Why do people think it is okay to hurt other people to get what they want."
  36. I know my wife is right more than I am.
  37. I try to never litter.
  38. I find I am more proud of the good things my children do than I am about the things I do.
  39. I teased a girl in elementary school and made her cry, then vowed to try and never do that again.
  40. I only got detention once in my whole school career.
  41. Driving a minivan does not mean you are old – it means you are willing to give others a ride and are prepared to do it.
  42. I took one puff on a cigarette and then decided to never do that again.
  43. I fell deeply in love with my wife by writing (and receiving) letters to her.
  44. My favorite city to visit is San Francisco, followed closely by Washington D. C. and Ottawa.
  45. I don't particularly like to swim.
  46. I had my ears freeze almost solid one night in Montana.
  47. In every job I have had over six months; I have been a manager at some point in time.
  48. I have been lost while camping in the Rocky Mountains in the winter.
  49. Despite my mother's efforts, I have never been fond of liver.

I have learned that things never stay the same – they either get different, worse or better.


B and B said...

You have smoked? FATHER!!!
This is should have mom write some!!

out numbered said...

This was very fun to read! Thanks for sharing! Love you. -Deanna