Saturday, February 21, 2009

Travels - Mar in San Clemente

February 16 - March 2

I have been traveling a lot (three weeks in a row), so what does Mar do in those times. Well of course she travels too. She went to San Clemente to see Andrea for two weeks. The real reason she went was to see Michael and Jasen in Grease, but the rest of it was real fun, too.

For instance, they went to Marine World. Mar was so captivated by the polar bears - watching them from underwater. (The miracle of knee surgery is that she can walk - oh how glorious it is.)

All of the school kids got sack lunches one day, so they also made Spencer a sack lunch. That day Mar was babysitting Spencer, so they took his sack lunch to the beach for a picnic. Andrea, meanwhile, helped chaperon a school field trip to Disneyland. Hey, I never got to go to Disneyland on a field trip. I only got to go to the fish hatchery.

Michael went snowboarding - and sprained his wrist - bad enough to go to the emergency room and get a splint.

A little excursion to Hemet, just to see where Michael is serving on his mission. It is an hour-and-a-half from Andrea's in a desert valley in the mountains. Mar said it was pretty nice. The mountains were high enough to have snow on them, but she said its a safe bet it is pretty hot in the summer. And no they did not cruse to find the missionaries.

(Stay tuned to this entry for updates on the upcoming week.)

The second week of her visit was a little bit more harried. Michael and Jasen were both in the school production of "Grease". And because they were in it, Andrea was very involved. Hence the harried week. Mar found herself doing a lot of "holding down the fort" with plain housework and taking care of the two youngers. Not very exciting, you may say, but she was very glad she was there to really help.

Thursday and Friday were the performances - 3 on one day and two on the other. Mar said they were wonderful and darling and great. Of course her grand kids were the greatest part.

Saturday was a breath of relief. Michael went to a speed skating competition where one of his friend was competing. Jasen went off with some friends, too. That left Andrea and Mar with Emma and Spencer, so they went to the beach and had a lunch and watched the sea and saw dolphins.

She came home on Monday. It was a needed trip - for Mar and for Andrea and the kids.

1 comment:

B and B said...

It is Sea World not Marine World... you silly old man (way to smart for your own good)..haha.

What do you think about that Hemet adventure? A little sketchy..hum??