Movie Critics Corner
Here are some of the movie Mar and I have seen and our ratings of them. We have seen these movies over the past two months.
Note that we are highly regarded as movie critics and our opinion is always sought by others as they plan on wastin' - I mean spending their hard earned cash. All ratings are on a 5 point scale - and I just interpreted what Mar said into the scale.
1 - Yeck - who made this.
2 - I wish I hadn't wasted my time.
3 - Okay. Not bad entertainment.
4 - Good movie. Gets a hearty recommendation.
5 - Only 10 movies ever made got a 10 - and I can't remember what they all are.
X-File: I Want to Believe
After all of the bad publicity this got, we still rented it. Was it great? No. Was it horrible? No It was just what X-Files should be. Conflicted Scully. Weird Mulder (who looks better with a beard than he does clean shaven and old.) And just enough weirdness to keep suspense.
Mar - 3 Lar - 3
A real drama. The plot was a little hard to follow. The good guy was a bad guy, but maybe not. At least you didn't want him to be. A little bit slow at times. Well acted. Not for the young.
Mar - 2.5 Lar - 3
Narnia: Prince Caspian
Okay, Mar fell asleep. I didn't. I thought it was good. Mar fell asleep. This may be one of those movies that it is hard to follow and really get involved in if you haven't read the book. Now if you hadn't read the book or hadn't seen The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe - just forget it. You won't have a clue what is going on. Good effects. A little romance.
Mar - 2.5 Lar 4
A dragon movie. And a few years old. A lot of people didn't like it, particularly those who read the book. I only read the first chapter of the book, so I was not one of them. We both liked it. Mar liked it more than me. Unfortunately, there will probably not be any sequels.
Mar - 3.5 - Lar - 3
Get Smart
I didn't see it. Mar did. She said I shouldn't waste my time. Too bad, cause the trailers made it look fun.
Mar - 2
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Don't get too excited. But it was fun. Not a well made movie. Not at all believable. Not good effects. But it was fun. It is a hard one to rate. It's not great entertainment for adults. It's not great entertainment for kids. But it was exactly what it set out to be.
Mar - 3 Lar - 3
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon King
Boring with none of the life of the first two Mummy movies. It took us three nights to get through it.
Mar - 2 Lar - 2
The Riddle
We got this from Redbox cause there was nothing else there. It is British. Sometimes the British accent is hard to follow. It bounces all over the place. It's weird. All in all - it is a loser.
Mar - 1.5 Lar - 1.5
I made you wait till the end for the good one. We went to this one in the theatre. First of all - don't take small kids. It's too long and you'd have to explain too much. The cinematography is outstanding. The acting is good. The story is far-fetched, even for a story about Australia. However, it is put together so well you can pass it in spite of some flaws. It was good.
Mar - 4 Lar - 4
Here is what I think about the two that you reviewed that I have seen...
Get Smart- 3.5 (better then Mom thinks- its not supposed to be great its supposed to be entertaining humor)
Traitor- 1 (HORRIBLE)
I value your opinions on movies.
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