Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Movies - Lemony and Nim

Mar and I had an opportunity to see a couple of movies - both of them fairly old - and yes they were DVDs.
Here is our impressions:

Lemony Snickets: A Series of Unfortunate Events

We did enjoy this movie. It was cute and entertaining. I particulary enjoyed the baby. I was a little bit over Jim Carey stimulated by the end, but it was less than I had heard it was.

Nim's Island

This was a real surprise to me. It was entirely different than what I had expected. It was nothing life changing, but it was refreshingly entertaining. I thought it was going to be Jody Foster finding a little girl on the island and talking to animals a la Dr. Doolittle. It was much more than that - and much better than that.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Idaho Road Trip - 10/16-10/19/2008

We had a lot of concern for our daughter, Brea, and her wonderful husband, Ben. Brea has had a little bit of "bad health", so we went out to see if we could help. She is pretty weak and really can't be left alone, so our presence there allowed Ben some "time off" for him to do real school work. It was good for us to see how Brea was really doing and really helping her in this time of trial.

Additionally, we did a little bit of tour work while we were in Idaho.

We went up and toured around BYU Idaho.

We went up and visited the temple.

We were there during the potatoe harvest and went to see the fields.

And we went to "Big Juds" - a hamburger haven where you can get a real one pound after cooking, hamburger. We ordered one - and shared.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Date - Dinner and "Eagle Eye"

October 5, 2008

Yes it is true. The Ma and the Pa went on a date that didn't involve "going to Sams". We went to dinner at a little Chinese place and then went to a movie.

The movie was "Eagle Eye". At first I was just - "no way" - "this is just too much" - and that was just in the first 15 minutes. Then I stopped myself and said - "Just watch it and enjoy" - a willing suspension of disbelief. Hey, when you're not trying to believe it, it was a pretty good movie. A real guy movie with car chases and explosions and giant cranes and armored cars. And even Mar liked it. I must say, you never get bored. Storyline doesn't even make it to improbable - it is downright implausible - but it was a fun ride and ended better than it could have. Yep, we liked it.

Leaves on the Trees in Minneapolis

September 21-24

I traveled to Minneapolis to teach a class. This is the first time in many years that I have been to Minneapolis when there were leaves on the trees. Generally, Minneapolis is a January or February excursion with tempertures hovering just below 0. I generally see the pond in the office complex as a sheet of ice. It was very nice except for the torrential downpour just as I tried to leave the office on Tuesday. Yes the hotel is right across the street, so I walked to work that morning - can you say "drowning in a vertical position."