Friday, August 30, 2013

Temple Trip

August 28, 2013

When I go to the Bay Area I have a temple close by in Oakland.  Tonight I went to the temple.

Where in the World Is . . .

August 26, 2013

Livermore, California

Here to teach a class at Sandia Livermore Labs. 

I have taught all of these people twice - the last time was four weeks ago.

Fly into San Jose and then drive for 45 minutes.  No a bad trip - unless your flight is delayed and you don't reach San Jose until 11:30 - and then you have to get a rental car.  But there is a silver lining - at midnight there is not much traffic on the highways to Livermore.

Airport Schedules - the Good and the Bad

Monday, August 26

A day of travel:

I was flying out to San Jose, California.

Mathew was flying out to Phoenix, Arizona.

Michael was flying in to Denver form Ontario, California.

We all made separate arrangements - but we all met in the airport.

I actually went a little bit early so Michael could catch a ride home with his mom.  Mat's flight was delayed by 1/2 hour so when Michael got off the plane, we went and saw Mat and then he caught the DIA train back to Mar and I went on to my flight.  It all worked out so well.

And then my flight was delayed for two hours - meaning I got to my motel at about 1:00 in the morning.

Good things happen - bad things happen.  I am okay with that.

Audio Book

For All Eternity

Dr. John R. Lund

Not really a "book" - it is a recording of four "talks" to an LDS audience about marriage relations.  Informative - and entertaining.  I recommend it to everyone - at least one every other year - just to keep you marriage skills up.

Highly recommended.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Evening Trip

Don't trust everything you read on the internet - this evening's weather in Bodega Bay - sunny and 80 degrees - not.

Bodega Bay is the setting for Alfred Hitchcock's classic "The Birds".  It is a 35 mile drive - of about an hour - from Petaluma.  This evening I drove over.  It was overcast and a little bit chilly - but still a nice trip.  I walked on the beach and the tide was out so there were some nice tidal pools.  The northern coast is a little bit rocky at Bodega Bay.

I did see a HUGE flock of seagulls - and right after that a flock of about 25 blackbirds.  I got in my car and made sure the windows were up.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Where in the World Is . . .

This week I am in Petaluma, California

I flew into San Francisco last evening and then drove the 67 miles up (across the Golden Gate Bridge) to this teaching engagement.

Temperature at the airport - 75 degrees
Temperature at the bridge - 55 degrees (and foggy)
Temperature at Petaluma - 78 degrees

Petaluma is sort of far from everywhere - and doesn't have a lot of outside attractions of its own.

Book List

August 18,2013

The Power Of Everyday Missionaries

by Clayton M. Christensen

Recommended by President Richards, Brother Moore and Brother Holland

Very inspirational with a lot of good stories and ideas.  Still, it makes one feel guilty because one doesn't really do the things it says.  And even though he makes it sound easy when he is discussing it in a pleasant and happy way - it isn't easy.  Let me just say that - it isn't easy.  Still - I will try a little harder because of this book and it will be there as an inspiration because I have read it.

I recommend it.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Things I Did


Events of the day:

Finished the class I was teaching - 10 people.

Went to dinner with Ed and Sandy.  I nice evening.  Oriental.

Finished an Audio Book:

Tales for a Rainy Night

A group of supposedly "scary" stories.  Bad dramatizations.  Some good stories but most were so-so. 
Don't bother - I shouldn't have. (It doesn't even get it's own blog entry).

Book List


As I Have Loved You

by Kitty De Ruyter-Bons

I found this book on our book shelf.

It is a book about a little girl in World War II Java who was incarcerated by the Japanese.  It is almost compelling as long as that is the premise, but in the post-war section which is a lot of the book, the story becomes a rambling memoir - in a sense it is hard to see why one would want to be interested.  In reality, it is not the story of the little girl - but the story of her mother who really was a spiritual strength through all of the trials.

It would be ok for a book club - but it is really just average.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Temple Trip

When I go to Tempe, I have a temple available in Mesa.  Last night I went to the temple - which I do on many trips.  This time was more special because Mat was also in Arizona - in Globe - and he was done with his work assignment so he drove back down to Phoenix.  We met at the temple for a session (completely full - we estimated at 120 people).  Then we checked him into his airport motel.  Then we went to dinner (of course we drove my mustang - and had to see how fast it would go across a highway overpass.)

Nice Ridin'

When ever I travel, it is always interesting to see what kind of car I get from the rental company.  Some of them I have really liked.  Some of them have determined that I would never buy one.  Some of them are just nice cars.  This week I had a nice ride.

Yep, it was a Mustang - but not just your standard rental car Mustang.  This one's model is called "prime-adrenaline".  It has a 5.0 liter engine and it will move pretty good.  And it is silver. 

Alas, I feel like a wall flower.  All dressed up - and nowhere to go.  But I do know it can go from 0 to 45 in the distance over a highway overpass.  Don't ask how I know.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Tripping to Tempe

I am in Tempe, Arizona for a business trip. 

Not a bad place to be - in February.  In August it is oppressing.  The high today was 107.  When I woke up at 5:30 in the morning it was 89.  As I am preparing to go to bed it is still 102.  People do not go outside in Phoenix in the summer.  The streets are empty.

This is when the dessert land tries men's patience and their resolve.

But of course I was in an air conditioned office all day long - and the thermostat never turned the compressor off. 

Still 7,000,000 people could be wrong about living in the Valley of the Sun - in August.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

People Watching

Just watching people - at DIA.  It is a good place to people watch.

Today's people watching was about "love".

First - on the moving sidewalk - a mother and a father holding the hand of a toddler.  He was excited and a little nervous.  They just showed love - mother and father each holding one hand.  It was a picture of family love.

Second - also on the moving sidewalk - well sort of.  He was on the walk.  She was walking besides.  They were holding hands above the railing.  They were laughing.

Really cute.  Makes you see there is still joy and goodness and - love in the world.