Thursday - March 19, 2009I worked - yea same old, same old.
Mar went back to the temple for "sight seeing" and then went shopping in the morning.
In the afternoon she took the Old Town Trolley on a sight seeing tour of San Diego. It is about a two hour tour, in a trolley with a driver/conductor who talks non-stop about the things you are seeing and the history of the area. Mar was just so excited about it. And she got pictures. You want to see some - well just read on.

This is the
Hornton Plaza - the most
ritzy of the downtown shopping centers.

This is the fountain at the Marriott in downtown San Diego.

This is a fountain in the downtown high rise district. It is the first fountain in California that had water and electric lights. Many people expected such a radical idea to go up in flames.

This is the San Diego convention center.

This is the shipyards from Coronado Bridge. We were going to go to Coronado Island for dinner this evening, but Mar decided that there was no way I was going to be able to drive over that bridge and keep my sanity. She was probably right.

This is the Coronado Ferry Landing on Coronado Island. Before the Coronado Bridge was built, this was the only way to get to Coronado Bridge in the bay.

This is a house on Coronado Island. The City of Coronado Island broke off from San Diego a little while back. There is an ordinance in the city that no two houses can be alike. This is on Orange Street, so named
because at one time it was lined with orange trees.

This is the Hotel Del Coronado, built entirely of redwood floated down the coast in huge rafts from San Fransisco. All of the Hotel scenes from "Some Like it Hot" were filmed here and on the hotel's beach, even though the movie said they were in Florida. The beach is considered one of the most beautiful family beaches in America.

The tour goes through Balboa Park and over by the zoo. This is the one of the zoo's prize bush elephants.

And I'm not even sure where this is. I think it is in Balboa Park - but maybe not.

She got home pretty excited. Now you may ask how I knew what all of these things were. Well, the next day she went with me on the same tour again - and loved it just as much.
For dinner we went back to La
Jolla for fondue. A romantic evening.